Emma's Story

Hello, My name is Emma, I’m 23 years old, and I conquered cesarean birth.

Having a c section was not how I imagined the birth of my first child would be, or any for that matter. I researched and planned every minute of my labour and delivery but didn’t even consider the fact that I may have needed a c section. Not because I was against them, but because I was focussed on manifesting my dream birth. Water, music, massage, peace, comfort. C sections are sometimes thought of as the ”easy way out” but it’s quite the opposite.
The surgery in a gist involves tearing through seven layers of skin, fat, muscle, fascia, and other connective tissues to get to the uterus. (And yes, I mean tear. They don’t just cut you open.) Sometimes organs like the bladder and intestines are removed to make way for your baby. You still feel the pressure and tugging as they bring your baby earth side.

And it’s not easy. It’s the epitome of strength and sacrifice.
I didn’t see it like that at first. I felt like my body failed, like I failed as a woman, and that I was robbed of something every woman gets to experience. I was in pain trying to care for a newborn and recover from the surgery. I spent days in bed and it was weeks before I started to accept what happened. But the scar I carry now makes me feel more womanly than ever, and it’s a constant reminder that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. My body didn’t let me down, it chose the safest path to bring my baby here.
This entire experience drastically changed not only my physical body but my attitude towards my body. Instead of obsessing over my postpartum body, I’ve been able to completely let go of any expectations like “getting back my pre baby body”. I have a deep appreciation for this body and it’s ability to grow, shift, soften, and harden simultaneously to create life. I feel strong and healthy in this body, no matter what it looks like on the outside.
I want every woman to know that you are capable of more than you can even dream possible. When faced with any obstacle, you will rise above. If you gave birth by c section, you are just as brave, strong and powerful as the mothers who delivered vaginally. If you are never the same shape or size that you were before you had kids, that’s okay too. The only person who needs to feel good about your body, is you.

Chelsea Abram